Newsletter, July 28th

The miracle of the five loaves and two fishes by Lucas Cranach.

9th Sunday after Trinity

Bible readings: Ephesians 3.14-end & John 6.1-15

The school holidays have just begun for many children in our diocese. Hearing John’s account of the feeding of the crowds in one enormous picnic seems rather apt in a season where we imagine families picnicking in the sunshine. While picnics may be planned for some this summer, the truth is that, for many, they are not possible. In January this year 2.1 million school children were eligible for free school meals. The Food Foundation estimates that over 24% of households with children are living with food insecurity at home. This issue intensifies during holidays when free school meals for low-income households are not available. Today, might we reflect on this as we consider Jesus’ feeding of the 5000? In Jesus feeding the 5000, we might be reminded today that we can trust Jesus. 5000 people is a lot to provide for, and far beyond the means of the disciples. It likely took courage for the boy and the disciples to offer the little they had to Jesus. Perhaps they looked at the smallness of what they had to offer, and wondered if it was worthy of being offered. Might we feel that the smallness, inadequacy and insignificance of what we can offer, are things that simply are not worthy enough to be brought before God? And yet, perhaps we can think of times when we have trusted God with the little we have to offer, and God has transformed it, done far more with it than we could ever have imagined. Jesus teaches, over and over, that God creates something glorious from the smallest of things. Credit: Lincoln Homily Project

1)         What are the issues in your community where you long to see God’s transforming work?

2)         Is God calling you to offer anything, even something small, in response?

Weekly newsletter/blog and website

Please send all information for the Sunday newsletter/blog by Wednesday evening to Josie at  and If you would like to write the biblical reflection for the newsletter on any particular week, please contact Josie for details of upcoming Sunday readings. – Josie

Penlee Cluster Kids Summer Holiday Club 2024

for children 6 – 11 years begins! Week One

We are really looking forward to the summer holidays and once again, have some exciting adventures planned. Come along to try out lots of exhilarating activities and make new friendships. For those families in receipt of free school meals, it is essential that you book your place on the Time2Move website:

This is needed so we can access funding for your child. We also have five heavily subsidised places at £5.00 per day. This covers transport, lunch, trips and activities. But please note you must await confirmation of your child’s/children’s space before making any payments. Please find below a list of each themed week and if you wish to participate then please let me know and I will send over an application form. (Email address

Week 1: Wild About Where We Live – 30th July – 2nd August
Week 2: Wild About Adventure: 5th August – 8th August
Week 3: Wild About Talent: 12th August – 15th August
Week 4: Wild About Exploring: 19th August – 22nd August
9.00am Drop-off: Sea Life Soft Play
3.00pm Collection: Sea Life Soft Play

Growing Links Community Walk

 starts Thursday 1st August

Growing Links, the charity which is also responsible for The Street Food Project, invites you to join them for a weekly walk from Penzance Bus station to the lovely Community Garden, starting 1st August.
Enjoy a coastal walk, with beautiful views of St Michael’s Mount, and meet some new people. When you arrive at the garden there will be a delicious lunch prepared. This is all free of charge.

Each week they will have different activities happening in the garden after lunch, including smoking cessation, balance and stability classes and a breathers club run by ‘Breathworks’. If you don’t feel like attending any classes, feel free to volunteer your time in the garden or just come along for the walk and lunch.
Email or call or text 07979120909 to book. Booking isn’t essential but highly recommended to make sure they have enough food for everyone.

St. Pol de Leon Church, Paul

Tours of the church on Wednesdays during July and August, from 11am to 1pm. Come to coffee from 10am and then learn about the history of this lovely church. Visitors and locals welcome.

Psalm Group – coming this autumn…

The psalms have been called the ‘prayerbook of the church’, an extraordinarily rich resource of texts covering the full range of human emotion and religious experience. They are notable for their depth and their honest engagement with struggle, despair and joy. Starting in the autumn, following the Thursday morning communion service at St. Mary’s, you are invited to a group where we’ll take one psalm per week to read and discuss. Some weeks it may be a meditative experience and on others it may be a general discussion: we’ll be led by the group and the psalm itself. Please watch this space for updates on the starting date! – Josie

Curtain Up on our NightChurchPz Mystery Pianist

Amid unannounced backing music, Rhys Wynn-Jones erupted into St Mary’s with a flourish and immediately wowed the audience with a powerful performance of the film theme Exodus – which began over two hours of highly charged virtuoso playing.  The programme was wide-ranging in genre and style, having something for everyone, but perhaps the most remarkable and memorable aspect of the event was the extraordinary rapport with the audience which Rhys created and the way in which he shared so frankly with us aspects of his recent experiences of both deep despair and loss and of life-changing love and hope.

The concert had been Rhys’s idea.  He told us how coming to NightChurchPz and finding both friendship AND a piano had been the vehicle for restoring his self-esteem and confidence, lifting him out of despair. He voiced his gratitude various times as part of his commentary between items on the programme and spoke movingly of the importance of a piano to his well-being.  The piano is a friend who listens to him and speaks to him – but never laughs at him when he cries. Being re-united with a piano had therefore been of huge importance during his recent troubles.

Rhys’s extraordinary playing and compelling narrative had the audience enthralled and drew four standing ovations from them during the two-hour performance.  Also, when he performed a Michael Jackson item he told us he had worked up specially for this occasion (in memory of a dear friend who had died in an accident which only two weeks before) there were few dry eyes in the house.  The impact he made was plainly demonstrated by the crowd of autograph-hunters and well-wishers after each half and then the amazing total of almost £2,000 collected from the audience in aid of NightChurchPz – for which we as a church are really grateful.  We will ensure that the proceeds are used to benefit all who choose to accept our open invitation to enjoy friendship and hospitality among us.  The evening closed with an encore and thanks all round, with a special bouquet and a hug for Alice, our NightChurch leader!  Thank you, Rhys – it was truly a night to remember for you and us and we all wish you Godspeed as you go into the next phase of your life. – Lesley

If you missed the concert – don’t worry! Tony Allbright kindly recorded it and it can now be viewed on YouTube via the following links – First part: .

Second part: .

West Cornwall Drop-in Energy Advice

West Cornwall Community Energy Plus’s specialist outreach energy advisers are on hand with helpful advice on how they can help you save energy and money in your home or how they can help you with the transition to low carbon energy. They will be running a drop-in energy advice session at the following venue in Penzance in July:

31st July 10.00am – 2.00pm at The Salvation Army (Queen Street, TR18 4BH)

Debt Advice

The Salvation Army offers debt advice services to people in this area. They are free, confidential and impartial. Please dial 01752 643955 to speak to a Debt Advisor from 10.00am until 4.00pm Monday to Friday or email

Celtic Morning Prayer

Each weekday morning on zoom at 8am. The zoom meeting ID is 815 4586 0947. If you would like to attend, please email Keno at (or call on 01736 331633) for the passcode, which you will need as well as the meeting ID given here.

Julian Meeting

The Julian Meeting will be held online this Sunday at 6pm.  The link is below, and also the prayers if you are unable to join us and would like to reflect at a time convenient for you. – Mel, Judith, Virginia and Diana

Opening Reflection

Come summer with me, Lord; summer deep down in my soul; restore my faith in summer’s time, in rest, in joy, in play, in you…

Summer in my heart, Lord, and dwell there
as if time would never end,
as if all time were children’s time, eternal time
when school is always out and joy is ever in…

And let others summer in my shade, Lord,
and share whatever summer’s peace is mine to give,
whatever summer’s light is mine to shed,
whatever summer’s warmth is mine to share…

Good God of every season and every day this week,
come summer with me, Lord, and let the child in my heart spend this summer in your love…Amen.


Summer in me Lord


Light on the outside and light on the inside. With God’s sunlight shining on you, may your heart glow with warmth like a turf fire that welcomes friends and strangers alike.

Prayer Requests

If you are concerned about someone and would like their name included in the Prayer Request Group’s weekly prayer list, please do email Mel at by 7pm on Tuesday evenings. Thank you.

Paul Church Summer Talk

‘Is the law fit for purpose?’ – John Gallagher, Tuesday 6th August

It’s hard to sum up John Gallagher’s career. He has practised as a Barrister for nearly 50 years, is a Master of the Bench of Gray’s Inn and since 1994 has been a part time Judge of the Crown and County Court. He is also an accredited Mediator. I’m not sure what all those roles involve, and I’ve left a lot more out, but he’s clearly very well qualified to lead a really interesting debate and discussion on the current state and future role of the Law. £5.00 entry. Nibbles/wine 7pm, talk at 7.30pm, followed by debate and more nibbles/wine.

Penlee Cluster Talent Show, Thursday 15th August

Penlee Cluster and Generations United are holding an intergenerational talent show at The Newlyn Centre on 15th August at 1pm; your participation is requested! If you can dance, sing, juggle, tell jokes or do tricks then Jane would like to hear from you. Please email her at with any queries and to request an entrance form.

Tombol-aaaaaah! – Friday 30th August

After the wonderful success of Rhys’ concert, NightChurch and The Rainbow Project Team are now full steam ahead in planning a traditional summer fete, to be held at St Mary’s on Friday 30th August (please note the date change!) from 11:30-3:30. We have put a wooden crate under the leaflet table and would be delighted if you could fill it with donations for the tombola! Nothing too nice please; we want it to be realistic and nostalgic! Do bath cubes still exist? If so, we want them. Tea towels, oven mitts, Bird’s custard, luncheon meat, Blue Nun and Black Tower will all be gratefully received.  – Alice

Creation Care Celebration Service

Saturday 28th September

Several churches have qualified for Eco Church and Kernow Green Church Awards this month. Awards will be presented by Bishop Hugh at this year’s Creation Care Service of celebration which takes place at 2pm on Saturday 28th September at St Andrew’s Church in Redruth. There will be musicians, cake and chat!

Past Newsletters;

July 21st

8th Sunday after Trinity Bible readings: Jeremiah 23.1-6 & Mark 6.30-34, 53-end ‘“Come away to

July 14th

Detail from “The Dancer’s Reward” by Aubrey Beardsley 7th Sunday after Trinity Bible readings: Ephesians

July 7th

6th Sunday after Trinity Bible readings: 2 Corinthians 12.2-10 & Mark 6.1-13 In both our

June 30th

Crucifixion of St. Peter by Luca Giordano Feast of Saint Peter Bible readings: Acts 12.1-11

February 25th

Bible reading Mark 8 v31 to the end. Jesus teaches the disciples that the Son

February 18th

Baptism of Christ by Dave Zelenka. First Sunday in Lent Bible readings: Mark 1: 9-15:

More Information;

Opening Times

Our churches are open for visitors, for Private Prayer and for Reflection.

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