Services for Advent and Christmas can be found HERE

Sunday Worship
- 9:30 am – Eucharist – St. Peter’s Church, Newlyn
- 10:30 am – St. Pol de Leon Church, Paul
(Communion is usually celebrated on the second and fourth Sundays when we break bread and share wine together as a church.
Iona Worship is usually held on the first Sunday of the month, an act of worship using contemporary language and often ties in with our local Celtic spiritual heritage.
Morning Worship is usually the third Sunday of the month. It is a service built around a different theme each month. It allows us to explore a subject more thoroughly through our worship.) - 11:00 am – Eucharist – St. Mary’s Church, Penzance
Except when we have a Cluster Service :
- Sunday 7th April 10.30am at St Mary’s church, Penzance.
- Sunday 23rd June 11am at St John’s, Penzance.
- Sunday 13th October 10.30am St Pol de Leon, Paul.
On December 22nd St Mary’s, St Peter’s worship at St John’s for a joint carol service.
Time to be confirmed.
- Monday to Friday 8am Morning Prayer (Zoom worship)
If you wish to join us via zoom for daily prayer, please contact the administrator Keno. Or ring 01736 367863
and we will send you a link.
- Wednesday 9am at St. Pol de Leon Church, Paul – Traditional 1662 Language Communion
- Wednesday 11am at St. Peter’s, Newlyn – Communion and Sharing
- Thursday 10:30am at St. Mary’s Church – Communion followed by Wisdom in the Community Reflections
- Friday 11am at St. John’s Church, Penzance – Communion followed by Wisdom in the Community Reflections
Julian Worship
- Sunday 6pm Julian Service (Zoom worship every Sunday and at Paul church the first Sunday of the month) – This is a time (15 -20 minutes) of silent meditation on a short phrase from the Bible or religious teacher with a focus on a lighted candle.(more info)
Wisdom in the Community
- Wednesday 11.30am at St Peter’s Church, Newlyn
- Thursday 11.15am at St Mary’s Church, Penzance
Christian Meditation and Contemplative Prayer
- Last Monday of the month 7pm at St Mary’s Church, Penzance
Praise Service
- First Monday of the month 6 pm (via Zoom)