Newsletter, January 14th

“Come and see” – Epiphany 2 

Bible Readings for the week.    Rev. 5: 1-10    John 1: 43 – end

The gospel reading focuses on the call of the first disciples, Andrew and a friend. St John’s account is very different from that of the other evangelists (Matthew 4:1 8–22, Mark 1: 16–20 and Luke 5: 1–11): only John tells us that the first disciples were originally followers of John the Baptist.

Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, is perhaps not one of the best known apostles, yet throughout the Gospel we find him bringing people to Jesus: his brother (1: 40), a boy with five loaves and two fish (6: 8) and some Greeks (12: 20). John’s Gospel is a book of signs: that is, things, events or people that point to someone else. To help others see Jesus, a witness is usually necessary. Here the witness is Andrew, while in later verses Philip brings Nathanael to Jesus, fulfilling the same role. (1: 45)

Time to say Goodbye

Andrew and Sian Yates have been priests in the Penlee Cluster for over 11 years. It has been a privilege to have been part of your lives, your communities and faith journey. It has been a precious time as together we have grown together as a Cluster of churches, faced the challenges of Covid and an ever changing world, responded to the issues of climate change, deepened our faith in the God who calls us daily to see Christ in the face of all and challenged ourselves to become a more inclusive “ bigger table” church in which all are welcome just as they are. But now is the time for us to leave and for you to continue your journey together as churches under new priestly leadership. 

Our final act of worship with you will be at a Cluster service on the 7th April, the Sunday after Easter although we will remain in post to the end of that month. We will be having a barn dance celebration on Saturday 6th April. So please put the dates in your diary as we would love you to join us.

Morning Prayer

Do join us weekday mornings for worship on zoom 8 to 8.30am.
A great way to start any day and to pray for our communities.

Website of the Week: Radical Resilience

The annual Daily Meditations theme arises from several months of shared conversation and discernment among members of the CAC faculty and staff. CAC Dean of Faculty Brian McLaren introduces our 2024 theme:  

I’ve been invited to share with you all what our theme for 2024 will be: Radical Resilience. Each of those words is important. The word “radical” means going to the root, going to the depths, going beneath the surface.… In fact, that’s what contemplation really is: it’s paying deep attention to the deep dimensions of life. So, radical resilience means radical, deep attention to the deepest roots of resilience. Resilience is the capacity to withstand and recover from hardship or difficulty. It has to do with the ability to spring back into shape after you’ve been beaten down or knocked over or bent over.

Pioneer ministry

Thanks to all those who joined us for the first of four introductory sessions led by the national CMS mission team.  You may be interested in watching the introductory video.

Or maybe find out more by listening to a podcast from the diocese of Bath and Wells.

Journal collage workshop at NightChurchPZ

On Saturday 20th January NightChurch will be open from 8pm until 3am. Remember that all are welcome so come along for an hour or two if you fancy it!

We like to run some sort of artistic workshop and this time we will be making journals using collage. We would really appreciate donations of; magazines, pritt sticks, gel or glitter pens, notebooks and stickers. Please bring any donations to Alice, Sian or one of the wardens so that we can pop them in the office.

Family worker Jane.

Our new family worker Jane has recently been in hospital for an operation.  It will take her a while to recover and our thoughts are with her and her family.  Please hold her in your prayers at this time

Worship leaders: update, training and resources.

Tue 23rd Jan 6 – 8pm at St Mary’s church PZ

This is an important time to look at worship resources, build and strengthen teams and plan for the future.

So, if you already help to lead worship or would like to help in the future this is the meeting for you. We will also begin the process of drawing up worship rotas for post Easter worship. 

Christian Unity Service  in the PZ area.

To be held at the Roman Catholic Church, Penzance, on Sunday 21st January 2024 at 6pm.

Christian Unity Communion Service Jan 21st 10.30am

On January 21st at Paul at 10.30am we will be marking the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity by holding a Communion Service using the order of service used in the Methodist Church. We have been very pleased to be joined on a regular basis by our friends from Mousehole Methodist chapel while their chapel is being restored and they will be with is for this special unity service. As part of the service we will be asking congregation members to sign the Churches Together in Cornwall Re-dedication Cornwall.

Diary Dates for 2024

We are in the process of compiling the diary events within the Cluster for 2024.  If there are dates and events you wish to go into this diary please send them to both Keno and Sian.  We are expecting the diary to be completed by next week.

Pilgrimage, retreats and time to take stock.

Hilfield Friary : April 9th -12th 
Cost : £150 plus contribution towards travel.
There are a few places available on the Franciscan retreat for those who might like to explore the Christian faith through the lens of Franciscan spirituality…living more simply and living with joy and humility. Come and explore the life and prayer beat of a monastic community.

Irish pilgrimage: from St Kevin to St Francis.
16th -19th April: £300 including flights to Dublin from Newquay
A time to explore elements of Celtic Christianity and seeing God in the beauty of creation.  Led by Prof Michelle Brown and Andrew & Sian Yates. We will explore the beautiful area around Glendolough as well as parts of Dublin.

Isles of Scilly retreat: Tresco: 26th- 29th April.
Cost (your cost in getting to the island and a contribution towards food)
“moods of the sea through the eyes of the psalms”. Join us for a few days on this beautiful island. Relax and explore this island in the company of others, reflect and pray through a selection of psalms.   For more details and to express an interest in any of the above events contact Sian and Andrew Yates.

Choosing a new bishop of Truro.

On behalf of Simon Robinson, Chair of the Vacancy in See Committee, I would like to invite you to join a public consultation meeting on 6 February 2024 at 7pm for one hour. This meeting is open to anyone who might wish to attend.
Please visit the Truro diocese website for more information and the Zoom link.

Becoming Better Together.

A special event will mark ten years of growing Christian unity in Cornwall.

Saturday January 27th at St Petrocs Church, Bodmin

Becoming Better Together will feature a day of celebration as Christians from across Cornwall come together to re-dedicated themselves to a Covenant first signed in 2013.

That day, a decade ago saw church leaders gather at St Petroc’s Church in Bodmin to sign a Declaration of Intent or Letter of Companionship, committing to work more closely together.

While people and situations have undoubtably changed in that time, the desire to continue the path of Christian unity set out in 2013 is still strong.

Kathy Pope, Churches Together in Cornwall co-ordinator and event planner, said: “When considering Becoming Better Together 2024 as an opportunity for re-dedication we wanted to both celebrate the past, and plan for the future.”

During the event, which runs from 10.30am to 3pm, there will be speakers, opportunities for sharing during facilitated listening groups, and the act of worship with the Covenant signing before those present enjoy tea, cake, and conversation to close the day.

From the PCCs and staff meeting.

We are in the process of strengthening the following subgroups so that the work and mission of the Penlee Cluster can run smoothly during the clergy vacancy. It will also ensure that the work is distributed amongst a wider group of people. If you wish to offer to help in any way please contact Keno or Sian and Andrew Yates.

1.Pastoral Ministers
2.Worship groups
3.Family and children
4.Night Church
6.Weddings, funerals and baptisms: emergency back up
7.Penlee Cluster Trustees: to increase the number of trustees
8. We are exploring the idea of employing Kestrel Guards security firm to respond to church alarms and alerts at night.  This will be very helpful when clergy are not available to respond to these issues….and it keeps people safe as they look after the buildings.

A sustainable future.

Some of the cluster churches have now taken the decision to move to a greener and a more sustainable church heating system. The gas boilers at St Mary’s church were condemned 2 weeks before Christmas so there is an urgent priority for the heating system to be replaced.  The gas boilers were installed just 11 years ago.  There will be more detailed information next week which will include steps already taken, setting up an heating fund, fundraising appeal  and grants requests.

Christmas Angel trail of hope and peace.

We had lots of entries with local schools and families taking part in the trails. Below are some of the poems that were sent in.  The challenge was to find the angels hidden around Mousehole, Newlyn and Penzance and to use the words found on them to create a poem.  Molly and Jane.

Poem 1

Listen out for family,
Safety is found with them,
Helping out the universe,
Invite some healing to the world,
Justice and kindness will do you good,
With the poor show generosity,
By sharing out some food,
With this we have safety,
Around the world we do,
Star bright and gentle.

Poem 2

The Mousehole cat shows strength, when at times of struggle the Mousehole cat shows love when with family the Mousehole cat shows friendship with her friends the Mousehole cat helps create unity in a community the Mousehole cat shows generosity and respect on planet earth.

Winning poem

We are a community.

We are a community Which means We love each other
We create unity We stand tall and bold To show our strength
We have friendship We show generosity And respect
And we show kindness to the earth.

Penwith Deanery News

Past Newsletters;

February 4th

The Orion Nebula is an archetypical example of star formation, from the massive, young stars that are

January 28th

The Presentation of Christ A cloisonné enamel work from Georgia. 12X10 cm. Artist unknown. Now

January 21st

Image “The Lord brought forth bread from the earth and wine, to cheer man’s heart.

January 14th

“Come and see” – Epiphany 2  Bible Readings for the week.    Rev. 5: 1-10    John

January 7th

Epiphany – Follow that star. Readings for this week: Isaiah 60: 1-6: Matt 2: 1-12

December 17th

Picture: Census in Bethlehem by Pieter Brueghel the Younger Advent 3 Rejoice the Lord is

More Information;

Opening Times

Our churches are open for visitors, for Private Prayer and for Reflection.

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