Blog, February 18th

Baptism of Christ by Dave Zelenka.

First Sunday in Lent

Bible readings: Mark 1: 9-15: Journeying.

We began our Lenten journey on Ash Wednesday. This first Sunday of Lent now leads us immediately into Jesus’s own journey into the desert in prayer, fasting, and to face temptation.

We also begin the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe reflection at morning worship.
“Something cold and soft was falling on her. A moment later she found that she was standing in the middle of a wood at night-time with snow under her feet and snowflakes falling through the air.”

We’re introduced to Narnia for the first time through the eyes of Lucy, when she walks through the wardrobe and into a new world, a world dressed in snow. Snow makes even our world seem new and liminal — the clear boundaries between road and pavement are erased, for example — and this can be a time for the lowering of barriers between people, as complete strangers smile at each other, build figures in snow, or have snowball fights. It’s all quite beautiful. And in keeping with that openness, while exploring this new place, Lucy befriends a stranger in Narnia, Tumnus the faun, and all seems idyllic. Yet first impressions sadly deceive: Narnia is ruled by the Witch Queen, who has cursed it to remain always winter and never Christmas. This is a broken world, a stuck and fearful world, where even the good are cowed into wrongdoing. As we enter into Lent, we might think about where and how we’ve found ourselves broken, or stuck, both personally and collectively. There are pockets of resistance to this in Narnia, as we’ll see over the coming weeks: characters who yearn with hope for the coming again of the light. May we count ourselves among their number?

Worship Rota and services in the Penlee Cluster.

We have been working very hard to make sure that all the worship services will be able to continue as usual once Revds Sian and Andrew leave the Cluster churches on the first Sunday after Easter.  Thanks to the generosity and commitment of people here and clergy across the area it has been possible to find people to lead all of the acts of worship until the end of the year!  So, all services are themed, and readings chosen for 2024.  If you are one of the numerous people who are helping, please collect a worship rota or ask Keno to send you one.  If there is a date that suddenly you are unable to fulfill then find another person to swap with and let Keno know.  Every blessing Sian.

Feast Night for Families: St John’s church Pz.

This young person’s activity continues. Good news from Mousehole School. We can run Feast Night for Families after half term on Feb 21st Feb 28th March 6th and March 13th. If you feel that you can help from 4-5.30pm please contact Andrew Yates.

Stay Curious! Try Alpha!

Alpha is a series of short videos and group conversations that explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open and friendly environment. Everyone is welcome!

The Alpha episodes cover a different topic of faith over 11 weeks and are designed to inspire and engage conversation. They explore the big issues around faith and unpack the basics of Christianity, addressing questions such as Who is Jesus? How can we have faith? and How does God guide us? After the video there will be a time to share thoughts on the session’s topic and discuss with the group. Alpha is for everyone, no matter your background or beliefs: whether you are new to exploring faith or simply open-minded about it. We all bring different thoughts and Alpha is a space that is open for everyone to find what faith means for them. The group will start on Wednesday 21st February at St Mary’s. If you would like to come or you know someone who might be interested you are welcome to bring them along. Pastries, tea and coffee from 9.30am and the session will begin at 10am.
Please let Victoria know or email Keno on if you would like to join.

Social Justice course – Act on Poverty.

A Christian Aid resource.
Wednesday, Feb 21st, 6pm, in the Celtic side chapel at St. Mary’s (please note revised meeting venue)
Together we’ll enable churches and individuals UK-wide to gain a deeper understanding of experiences of poverty, local and global. We’ll be sharing stories of faith and activism that challenge the status quo. And we’ll be offering inspiration for actions big and small that we can all take to tackle poverty together. 
Week One: Prophetic.
88% of UK adults think more should be done to tackle poverty.
3.8 million people in the UK experienced destitution in 2022.
More than 1 billion people in the majority world live in poverty.
Scripture Reading: Amos 5.11, 21-24

A question to consider before the first session: who would you consider to be a modern day prophet?
Useful audio and video links:

Julian Meetings

The Julian meetings are held on the first Sunday of each month in PAUL CHURCH at 6pm for half an hour of silent reflection in the company of others – just being, not doing.  On every other Sunday in the month the meetings are held on Zoom.  If you would like to join us, and/or receive the reflection each week to pray at a time convenient for you, please contact Mel on 07775 637606 or email
Zoom link

Opening Prayer for the beginning of Lent
God of justice mercy and truth,
we gather in your presence,

where the warmth of the sun, the strength of the wind,

the energy of the waves, the stability of the earth

all remind us of your constant love

and your power to change and challenge our lives.

We gather in your presence,
aware of our own lives –

individually and in community –

where they measure up,

where they fall short,

where they are out of kilter –

as your plumb line shows us what is true.
  (Eggs and Ashes)

Help us to be true to ourselves.


Into your arms, loving Lord, let me “free-fall,”
upheld by your goodness and mercy.
Secure in your embrace,
show me how to love without effort,
trust without fear,
and live with abandon.  Amen

Prayer Requests

Would you like to send in a prayer request?   Members of The Prayer Request Group receive a list of prayers sent in for someone or something every week which they pray in their own time.  All information is confidential to the group and not shared, and the members’ names are not circulated within or outside the group.  If you would like to send in a prayer to be added to the list, or to join the Prayer Request Group, please contact Mel on 07775 637606 or email

Penlee Cluster Trustees: Emergency meeting.

Tuesday 20th Feb: 10am at St Mary’s church Penzance.
There will be a short but very important meeting of the Trustees of Penlee Cluster this week. This meeting will also welcome new trustees and update the Charity commissioners website for the cluster.  Please try to attend this meeting. 

Stainer’s Crucifixion: Holy Saturday 7pm

30th March at St Mary’s church.
Rehearsal for as many as can make it, 2-4pm on Sunday 24th March.  For all taking part, 4pm start on Saturday 30th March.  We will rehearse then take a break around 6pm.  The act of devotion will start at 7pm. This is not intended to be a concert. Congregational music sheets will be provided.

Wedding Angels.

A huge thanks to those who were prepared to be wedding angels this year.  Their job is to support and befriend those who are getting married in our churches this year.

Keeping in Touch with the Penlee Cluster.

If you are fairly new to churches or events organised by the Penlee cluster churches then you might want to fill in this form which can be found on the Penlee Cluster website (or  in paper form in our church buildings)
Then you will get the blog and weekly newsletter emailed to your inbox each week alongside other exciting upcoming events.
On this form you can also opt to go onto the electoral roll of the churches…important in having your say, being consulted  and able to vote at the annual meetings and other consultations that will happen this year.

Weekly Blog/ newsletter and website

As we move forward now to the time that Sian and Andrew Yates leave Penlee Cluster a small group of people will be responsible for communications. Information for the newsletter and blog in by Wednesday evenings.
Send information to: , and

Lent Film Club

Thursday 22nd Feb 2pm at the Kings Arms, Paul.
The Great Escaper.
In the summer of 2014 — the 70th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings — octogenarian Bernie Jordan (Michael Caine) made global headlines.  He’d staged a “great escape” from his care home to join fellow war veterans on a beach in Normandy, commemorating their fallen comrades. It was a story that captured the imagination of the world — Bernie seemed to embody the defiant, “can-do” spirit of a generation that was fast disappearing.
But of course, it wasn’t the whole story. It was the story we all tell ourselves to make war and old age bearable. The bitter-sweet script explores the reality with wit and a very big heart.

Bernie’s adventure, spanning a mere 48 hours, also marked the culmination of his 60-year marriage to Irene (Glenda Jackson) — the story celebrates their love without sentimentality and with an eye to the lessons we can all learn from the Greatest Generation.

Easter holiday club.

We are delighted to be able to announce that we will be holding a 4 day holiday club: Monday 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th April, 9.30am -3pm. We are pleased that we have been able to obtain a small grant towards this work.  The group will be smaller than usual…just 20 children between the ages of 6-11yrs. If you are able to offer any help or maybe make some cakes, please contact Family Worker Molly.

Movement of Supporting Anglicans for an Inclusive Church
How do we flourish in a church with barriers?
Thursday 29th February 2024

An Evening Conversation on Zoom 7pm-9pm
Keynote speaker:  Rob Ponsford O.C.R, F.M.C

“An Introduction to Inclusive Church”


Tree planting.

On our way to creating a community orchard, tree planting will take place in the cholera field at Paul on Feb 21st at 1.30pm.  Looks like Mousehole school will be leading the way.

All are most welcome.


Night Church will be taking place on Saturday Feb 24th and March 23rd : 8pm – 2am.

Other Articles;

Care for Creation

United Nations Climate Change conference in the United Arab Emirates

Care for Creation

We want to demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God’s earth.

More Information;

St Mary’s CofE

A happy Church of England School in a stunning location with an entrance directly off Penzance Prom.

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