September 15th
The denial of St Peter by Caravaggio.
16th Sunday after Trinity
Bible Readings: James 3.1-12 & Mark 8.27-end
Jesus asks the disciples a question in today’s Gospel reading. In Mark Chapter 8, he says to them, ‘who do people say that I am?’ The disciples report back all the local gossip: ‘John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets.’ Throughout his earthly ministry, people have encountered Jesus in different ways – as a teacher, a prophet, a leader, a family member. Some of them knew him only as the carpenter’s son, and never quite got past it. It sounds like there are lots of rumours about Jesus – not first-hand experiences, but rather something that’s been heard on the grapevine. Perhaps he’s John the Baptist, or Elijah returned from the depths of history, or one of the other prophets? In the midst of this speculation, Jesus turns to his disciples and asks them the real question. The soul-searching, truth-revealing question – ‘Who do you say that I am?’ What would you say if Jesus asked you that very same question?
If God were to ask us ‘who do you say that I am?’ at different times in our life we might give different answers. When life brings us contentment, we may speak of God as our friend, God as creator, as the source of life, and bringer of goodness. When life is wearing us down, we might instead look to God as our Rock, our Comforter, our strength. During some of the most difficult times, we may even see God in more distant terms, when he actually feels far away from us. Can we learn from Peter’s confidence today? Jesus did not promise his disciples an easy ride. God asks us to centre our lives on him. Those life experiences which shape us, help us learn and grow, also keep calling us back to the One who created us. Peter makes it look easy, and yet he’s been on a journey in order to get there, and he still doesn’t get it right all the time. Don’t forget that in our Gospel reading today, Jesus rebukes Peter for his lack of understanding. Elsewhere in the gospels, Jesus calls him a stumbling block, and on the night before Jesus’ death, Peter denies ever knowing him. And yet God remains. He is faithful and he keeps on calling us back. He asks us to take up our cross and follow him. So, who do you say that Jesus is?
[Extracts from The Lincoln Homily Project]
Weekly newsletter/blog and website
Please send all information for the Sunday newsletter/blog by Wednesday evening to Josie at and If you would like to write the biblical reflection for the newsletter on any particular week, please contact Josie for details of upcoming Sunday readings. – Josie
This Season of Creation, Christians all over the world are acting together by calling for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. This global initiative started in the Pacific Islands and aims to phase-out fossil fuels while ensuring a just global transition for workers, communities, and countries. You can endorse the Treaty here: and also sign the Faith Letter here: For churches and individuals. It’s simply another way to love our neighbour.
11.30 Meet at Murley Hall, Ludgvan Churchtown
13.00 Marazion Church for pasties
13.30 Walk across causeway to St Michael’s Mount
Please use the contact form on the Cornish Celtic Way website to let us know
that you are coming and if you would like a pasty – meat or veggie.
Climate And Other Things – A Selection of Paintings by George Dow
St Mary’s are pleased to continue hosting an exhibition of George’s paintings, entitled ‘Climate And Other Things’, until Monday 30th September. The exhibition will be available to view daily from 10am-12pm. The ten paintings on show use a variety of media, and several specifically focus on the effects of the climate and biodiversity crisis which will hopefully provoke a reflective response in viewers. All sale proceeds will be donated to St Mary’s and we are delighted to report that three of the paintings have now been sold, raising £630 for the church.
News from the Cornwall Faith Forum
United Nations International Day of Peace
Saturday 21st September at High Cross, Truro Cathedral
Paul Haines is organising a Gazebo on High Cross during the day and Truro Rotary will have a presence in the Chapel of Unity and Peace during the afternoon.
Dor Kemmyn Peace Field
The next Cornwall Faith Forum event at the Dor Kemmyn Peace Field, Penmount will be led by the Baha’i Faith Community on Sunday 22nd September at 2.00 pm.
There will be an introduction of and exploration through (and hopefully a musical journey!) some of the more mystical Baha’i Writings, specifically a Book called the Seven Valleys. Refreshments available. All welcome.
Faith Covenant Questionnaire – Faith Covenant for Cornwall
Deadline: Sunday, 22nd September
The survey about the proposed Faith Covenant is still live and the deadline has been extended to 22nd September.
Blessed are the Weary
Rest and Reflection on Disability, Value and God – Saturday 19th October
This year’s conference on disability and the church, which is a partnership between Inclusive Church and St. Martin-in-the-Fields, has rest and reflection as its theme. The event will take place online on Saturday 19th October from 10.00am. For more information and booking details, see here:
South West Together for the Church of England
A Gathering of Minds – Wednesday 2nd October
Together for the Church of England was formed in early 2024, bringing together members of General Synod, a wider network of Church of England members, and working with other partner organisations. They have a particular focus on encouraging participation in the governance of the Church of England at all levels to promote positive change regarding inclusion and encourage democratic engagement in church life. For more information, please visit their website:
The Devon & Cornwall Regional Conference, A Gathering of Minds – An Evening Conversation on zoom with Nic Tall, National Convenor, takes place online on Wednesday 2nd October from 7.00pm – 9.00pm. All are welcome.
To join the Meeting:
Meeting ID: 853 4611 1684
Passcode: 782088
St. Peter’s Newlyn
Church closure for September maintenance works
St. Peter’s will be closed for approximately four weeks from Monday 9th September while rewiring and lighting works take place. During this time, people from St. Peter’s (and anyone who wishes to join them) will be meeting every Wednesday at about 10.30am at Duke Street café, for coffee, a catch-up and to keep in touch.
Debt Advice
The Salvation Army offers debt advice services to people in this area. They are free, confidential and impartial. Please dial 01752 643955 to speak to a Debt Advisor from 10.00am until 4.00pm Monday to Friday or email
Celtic Morning Prayer
Each weekday morning on zoom at 8am. The zoom meeting ID is 815 4586 0947. If you would like to attend, please email Keno at (or call on 01736 331633) for the passcode, which you will need as well as the meeting ID given here.
Prayer Requests
If you are concerned about someone and would like their name included in the Prayer Request Group’s weekly prayer list, please do email Mel at by 7pm on Tuesday evenings. Thank you.
Julian Meeting
The Julian Meeting will be on zoom this Sunday, at 6pm. Zoom link: norZEUrYVRJUTBkQT09
Opening reflection
Where do you find holy ground?
Holy ground is found at home, at work, in city streets
On hill and beach
Holy ground is where we have from and where we are heading
Holy ground is under our feet and in places where we fear to tread
Who stands on holy ground?
We do. Strangers, friends, fellow travellers
Recognising each other
Standing together on the same holy ground
Act on Poverty Group – Wednesday 18th September
The Act on Poverty Group will be meeting in the side chapel at St. Mary’s on Wednesday 18th September at 6pm to discuss how we can respond as a church to poverty in our locality. All are welcome to come along!
Christians Against Poverty Talk
Sunday 27th October
14.4 million people in the UK are in poverty and the number of people in need of help has surged. St. Mary’s is delighted to invite Alison, from Christians Against Poverty, to give a talk about a Christian response to poverty during our service on Sunday October 27th. For more information on Christians Against Poverty, please see here:
Kindness Collective – Saturday 21st September
The Kindness Collective – a monthly concert of electronic and acoustic music, soundscapes and poetry – will be performing at St. Mary’s Church on Saturday 21st September at 7.30pm. Doors will open at 7.00pm and entry is £5.00, half of which will be donated to the church.
Penzance Orpheus Ladies Choir Concert
Sunday 22nd September
With guest artist, Rhys Wynn-Jones (the NightChurch Mystery Pianist!), at 7.30pm at St. Mary’s Church. Free Entry with retiring collection to support NightChurch Penzance.
Creation Care Celebration Service
Saturday 28th September
Several churches have qualified for Eco Church and Kernow Green Church Awards this month. Awards will be presented by Bishop Hugh at this year’s Creation Care Service of celebration which takes place at 2pm on Saturday 28th September at St Andrew’s Church in Redruth. There will be musicians, cake and chat!
Paul Church Talk: ‘A Magical Mystery Tour’
The English Miniature from the Tudors to the Victorians
Mark Cottle – Tuesday 1st October
Mark is a regular contributor to ourtalks. He has a wide range of interests and research, professionally presented and always fascinating and unexpected. This year’s promises to be no exception, providing a tour through three centuries of wonderful portraiture and the ages they represent, seen through the eyes of its miniaturists. £5.00 entry. Nibbles/wine 7pm, talk at 7.30pm, followed by debate and more nibbles/wine.
Psalm Group
Thursday 3rd October
The psalms have been called the ‘prayerbook of the church’, an extraordinarily rich resource of texts covering the full range of human emotion and religious experience. They are notable for their depth and their honest engagement with struggle, despair and joy. Starting on 3rd October, following the Thursday morning communion service at St. Mary’s, you are invited to a group where we’ll take one psalm per week to read and discuss. Some weeks it may be a meditative experience and on others it may be a general discussion: we’ll be led by the group and the psalm itself. Everyone is welcome. – Josie
September 8th
Healing of a deaf mute from the Ottheinrich Bible.The Ottheinrich Bible is the earliest richly illustrated New Testament in the German language. The illustrations were added from 1430 to 1530. 15th Sunday after Trinity [plus Accession of King Charles III] Bible Readings: James 2.1-10, 14-17 & Mark 7.24-end [Bible readings to mark the Accession of King Charles III:
September 1st
14th Sunday after Trinity Bible readings: James 1.17-end & Mark 7.1-8, 14-15, 21-23 Moses intended his tabernacle to be a mediator between God and His people, a place where people could commune, celebrate, and be reoriented into God’s Will. The law was always tethered to the spiritual; to follow the law was to be in
February 25th
Bible reading Mark 8 v31 to the end. Jesus teaches the disciples that the Son of Man will suffer, be rejected, killed, and three days later rise again. Peter understands the contradiction inherent between Messiah and Jesus’ words. Jesus rebukes Peter for focusing on human things as opposed to divine things. Then follows the paradox:
February 18th
Baptism of Christ by Dave Zelenka. First Sunday in Lent Bible readings: Mark 1: 9-15: Journeying. We began our Lenten journey on Ash Wednesday. This first Sunday of Lent now leads us immediately into Jesus’s own journey into the desert in prayer, fasting, and to face temptation. We also begin the Lion, Witch and the
February 11th
Sculpture by Michael Franke, photo by Frank Vincentz Changed and Transformed 2 kings 2: 1-12Mark 9: 2-9 This week we read about the experience on the Mount of Transfiguration, the time that Jesus took three of his disciples up onto a high mountain to pray. It turned out to be a defining moment for Jesus
February 4th
The Orion Nebula is an archetypical example of star formation, from the massive, young stars that are shaping the nebula to the pillars of dense gas that may be the homes of budding stars. Bible readings.Proverbs 8: 22-31, John 1: 1-14 “In the beginning….our fragile world” The gospel reading today is one that is often used in