Blog, April 28th

Jesus – the True Vine

Bible readings: Acts 8:26-end & John 15:1-8

This week, we think about the image of Jesus as the true vine, in whom we abide.  As the Gospel reading teaches us, branches cannot bear fruit unless they abide in the vine and similarly, our lives abide in the vine of Christ, our strong root and foundation. Every gardener knows that we need to prune, plough or compost the plants in our care and even that which appears unpromising now, may bear fruit in the future.  We can take encouragement from this analogy that God does not give up on us; we are works in progress in his loving mercy.

  • Have there been times in your life when you have been aware of new spiritual growth after a time of feeling pruned/cut back?
  • Take some time to reflect on the fact that you are precious to God and that God never gives up on us.

Weekly newsletter/blog and website

Please send all information for the Sunday newsletter/blog by Wednesday evening, as anything received after Wednesday evening will not make it into the newsletter for the coming week. Please send information to Josie at (please note the new email address!) and (Please do not send information to Sian at the Teamleader email address, as we are completing the handover now.)  During this time of transition we will be relying on you to help us make sure everything that happens in the cluster is included; if something is missing, please tell us. This is your newsletter – do please send in articles, musings, reports of things which you think may be of interest to the cluster. Please do also send in any details of additions/changes to regular weekly services/events that you may be aware of – thank you.

Annual Parish Church Meetings

Annual Parish Church Meetings took place across the Cluster on Sunday 21st April.  We thank members who are standing down from their PCC for their service, as well as those who are continuing for this coming year.  We are also grateful to those who have been elected to serve their parishes as PCC members for the first time.

Junior Church at St. Mary’s

We were thrilled to restart our pattern of children going out to junior church after the first hymn of Sunday worship at St. Mary’s this week.  Many thanks to Amy who facilitated this and a thank you also to the children, some of whom shared the activities they’d been engaged in when they rejoined the rest of church for communion and the final hymn.

NightChurch News

We are delighted that NightChurch, as well as being held every Wednesday, is now moving from happening on Saturdays once a month to twice a month. A real sense of community is starting to develop here (rather than simply church volunteers and visitors to NightChurch): we share cheese and biscuits, chat, play board games and wait for the inevitable arrival of a pianist (God has now sent us four)!  We’d love to see you there – everyone is welcome.

We reported last week that Escalls Chapel donated £126 to NightChurch; it was actually £226 and we are extremely grateful for their generosity.  The money will be spent on delivering activities.

NightChurchPZ – Saturday 11th May 8pm-1am

Please note the slightly earlier finishing time of 1am. This may be reviewed in the future, but it tends to wind up naturally around midnight.

A Celebration of Easter Hope

On Tuesday the roof nearly came off St. Mary’s church with the exuberant songs and warming words of hope expressed by the children at our school’s Easter Assembly.  ‘Reverend Sian’ (as she is always affectionately known by the children) reminded us that it is still Easter until Pentecost, so we can still celebrate the hope which comes from knowing that Jesus is alive – and celebrate they did!

The bible story of the risen Jesus giving his friends breakfast on the beach reminded them that he is still with us to care and provide for us and then Reverend Sian talked about growing sunflower seeds (which they would be doing) and how the seeds need water and sun to make them grow.  As she spoke, as if by magic, a stalk with leaves began to rise from the ‘rainbow pot’ which stood nearby, when first water and then sun were added by two children.  These would symbolise the help, knowledge and care brought to them by their teachers and the encouragement, effort and enthusiasm brought by the children, so that they could together grow in hope and happiness. The rainbow pot will remain in church to encourage adults to grow their seeds of hope – and who knows, the stalk may even produce a flower one day if we continue to nurture our Easter hope and joy!

The assembly finished with Sian introducing Helen Kershaw, our new headteacher.  Helen greeted the children with warmth and appreciation and said how excited she was to be coming to lead such a great school.  We presented her with a ‘rainbow bible’ – a sign of hope for the future – and prayed for her as she started her work among us.  It was fitting that Reverend Sian should have this exuberant occasion as her final service as our Rector and the school community gave her gifts to express their huge gratitude for all that she had given to them and wished her a happy and exciting retirement.  They then ‘went out with joy’ to hunt for Easter eggs! – Lesley

Poetry Village

The meeting scheduled for 7th May has been cancelled but the idea remains very much alive – please watch this space for more details.

Penwith Deanery News

You can read the news for late April from this link.

Diocesan Synod

Nominations are being sought for diocesan synod this spring as the current three-year cycle of membership comes to an end.  Bishop Hugh Nelson has written to every parish asking for information to be shared with all eligible people.  Diocesan Synod is the main representative body of the clergy and lay people of the diocese. Members meet with the bishops, archdeacons, and other senior officers to consider our life together and to discuss our direction as a diocese, to give thanks for God’s blessings, and to understand our opportunities and challenges. “Synod” means “coming together and finding a way” – Diocesan Synod is a vital coming together as leaders from across the diocese to find our way under God.

Bishop Hugh said: “To do this well we need members from different communities and traditions who represent the whole life of the church in Cornwall, the Isles of Scilly, and our parishes in Devon. We work best when we hear voices from different backgrounds, experience, and ages.  Synod is an opportunity to speak up and be heard, to listen carefully, and to take part in leadership.  You matter in this work; you matter for your church and your community and for the diocese.  Your faith, tradition, and experience matter, I want to hear your voice on Diocesan Synod.”

Diocesan Synod members are elected for a three-year term of office.  Synod usually meets three times a year on Saturdays for a morning and part of the afternoon.  Our current practice is for meetings to be held on a hybrid basis – in person and online by zoom.  If you feel this is something you wish to do, contact your Deanery Synod Secretary (ask your PCC Secretary or Churchwarden if you don’t know who this is) and they can provide you with a nomination form.  The closing date for nominations is May 23, 2024, and the closing date for voting is June 17, 2024.

Criminal Justice Bill

and potential impacts on homelessness

The Salvation Army has highlighted proposals in the Criminal Justice Bill which could see rough sleepers in England and Wales fined or imprisoned for ‘nuisance’ rough sleeping.  In the Bill, nuisance rough sleeping could mean an individual sleeping in a doorway, having an intention to rough sleep, or having an excessive smell.  Nick Redmore, who leads their Homelessness Services says: ‘These punitive measures will do nothing to prevent rough sleeping and could put desperate people who have nowhere else to go in even more danger.  Rather than penalise, the Government should prioritise rough sleepers and focus on providing shelter as well as the specialised support people need to turn their lives around.  Rough sleeping does not belong in the Criminal Justice Bill, and The Salvation Army joins with our friends across the sector to ask that these proposals are removed.’
Click on the image to find out more.

With rough sleeping continuing to rise, the Salvation Army wants to make it a legal duty that people who are forced to sleep rough are prioritised for help with housing.  If you would like to support their call, please consider signing their petition:

Celtic Morning Prayer

Each weekday morning on zoom at 8am.

Coming Soon…

Sunday Roast Lunch, St. Mary’s PZ – Sunday 5th May

We will be sharing a roast lunch at St. Mary’s after the service.

Invitation: Sunday May 5th at 6pm zoom meeting

You are invited to join our Cornish Franciscan group as we hear a presentation from Jonathan Herbert, who lives in the Hilfield Franciscan community. Jonathan has just come back from being alongside communities in Bethlehem and the West Bank. Jonathan, who is a priest, has a ministry amongst the traveller community. As well as hearing about his personal experience and being able to ask questions we will be praying for peace in this troubled area. If you wish to have the zoom link to this gathering please email Olive Stevens at

Paul Church Summer Talk

Boilerhouse – ‘A musical journey, with music’ – Tuesday 7th May

Boilerhouse @ Geevor

Anyone who has heard Boilerhouse sing will want to be at any future event where they’re appearing.  We hope to hear something of their musical backgrounds, both individually and as a group, and they promise to share some music with us too.
£5.00 entry, Nibbles/wine at 7pm; talk at 7.30pm, followed by debate and more wine/nibbles…

Sea Life Soft Play’s 10th Birthday Party

Friday 10th May 6-8pm
Please come along and celebrate Sea Life Soft Play’s 10 year birthday party at St John’s Church.

A fantastic band, ‘True Foxes’, will also be playing and refreshments available.  Please confirm if you can attend by Friday 3rd May either by email: or phone: 07341830277 – Molly

Christian Aid Week 12th – 18th May

Christians across Britain and Ireland will unite for Christian Aid Week – seven days of action to fund lasting change. Find out more here:

St. Peter’s Church Newlyn Annual Art Exhibition

St. Peter’s is holding its annual art exhibition this May, with the opening day taking place on Saturday 25th May. The exhibition will then run for the week, until Sunday 31st May.

Other Articles;

Memory Café

United Nations Climate Change conference in the United Arab Emirates

Care for Creation

We want to demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God’s earth.

More Information;

St Mary’s CofE

A happy Church of England School in a stunning location with an entrance directly off Penzance Prom.

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