Sculpture by Michael Franke, photo by Frank Vincentz
Changed and Transformed
2 kings 2: 1-12
Mark 9: 2-9
This week we read about the experience on the Mount of Transfiguration, the time that Jesus took three of his disciples up onto a high mountain to pray. It turned out to be a defining moment for Jesus and his disciples…transforming their lives despite the dark times ahead.
This story might be an encouragement for us all, helping us to remember the defining times in our lives, perhaps when we felt totally at peace, or valued and loved. The times perhaps when we felt very close to God.
It is often the mountain top moments that help us through the times of darkness and despair. Knowing and understanding deeply that God walks with us through the whole of our lives.
Things to ponder.
1. Can you remember a defining moment in your life or faith?
2. Have the mountain top experiences of life helped you to get through tough times?
3. Is there anything else from the passage not already discussed that speaks to you? What is it?
4. What will you do this week in your Monday-to-Saturday life in response to this gospel?
Lent, Holy Week and Easter in the Penlee Cluster.

The 40 days of Lent begins this week.
There is a Shrove Tuesday Pancake and Prayer event on Tuesday 10.30am at St Mary’s and on Ash Wednesday there are 2 acts of worship ….please see the diary for the week.
We mark our foreheads with an ash cross….a reminder that we will walk the next 40 days purposely walking on our Lenten journey with Christ. How will you keep lent this year?
Please pick up a Lent booklet or visit the cluster website for more information.
Sunday community lunch
What an amazing lunch time was had at St Mary’s last Sunday. A loaves and fishes experience! 32 people signed in for roast beef lunch and 50 ate lunch. It was wonderful time of a diverse group of people enjoying each other’s company and sharing stories.
Paul Summer Talks

Lynne Jones presents an insider’s candid account of our new era of mass protest, calling passionately for action against existential threats.
As floods and fires rage across the planet, ever more people are embracing nonviolent action to achieve political change. Can it work? Doctor and aid worker Lynne offers a compelling, ground-level account of the last five years of UK protests, exploring how and why ordinary citizens have adopted extraordinary methods to confront the climate and nature crises.
In Paul church, Tuesday March 5th £5. 7pm drinks & nibbles, talk starts 7.30pm.
Proceeds go to charity.

Hearts singing God’s song.
For I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
I wonder, if we’re honest, how many of us believe that verse from Psalm 139 about ourselves? When our bodies cause us pain, when bits of us need replacing (hips, knees), when we put our backs out, or when we get sick: do we truly feel ‘wonderfully made’? Speaking for myself, as someone who lives with a chronic disabling illness, such a conviction about my own body can sometimes be hard to come by. And yet: on Saturday 3rd February, I attended an online event called Hearts Singing God’s Song: Vocation for Disabled and Neurodivergent People, which was set up by the church for disabled and/or neurodivergent people who are looking to explore a vocation to lay or ordained ministry. Here, I had the privilege of listening to, and speaking with, a range of people with varying disabilities/conditions about their calling within the church.

The workshop was led by clergy, but testimonials were also shared by lay ministers. We heard from someone with multiple sclerosis; from someone else with autism; from another with myalgic encephalomyelitis; and another with cerebral palsy: and these were just a handful of shared stories. The two hours were a perfect balance of practical information — how might a disability affect ministry? What adjustments and support might be needed? — and inspiration. Hearing how people with the same illness as me (or conditions which are challenging in similar ways) have flourished in their vocation was a blessing and an encouragement. This was a brilliant, necessary initiative from the Church of England and I would love to see it continue. Josie.
PS The C of E today announced that the church has awarded £2.4 million to boost participation of deaf, disabled and neurodivergent people in the Church. Find out more here.
Raising awareness of climate change
There will be a gathering in town to raise awareness of the climate crisis which will be in the form of prayers and singing. Saturday 17th Feb at 11am outside the Lloyds Bank building. (This is to coincide with the ‘No Faith in Fossil Fuels Lent Vigil’ – a ten day event set to take place in Westminster February 14- 24, 2024.)
All are welcome.
Preparing for the vacancy
Communion by extension training.
Sunday 11th Feb 12noon at St Mary’s Church.
As we prepare for present clergy leaving posts just after Easter we are working very hard to ensure that all acts of worship are covered by either visiting clergy, clergy connected to the Cluster, lay ministers and members of our congregations. Thanks for all those who have stepped forward to help.
There are some people who need to undertake a little more training in order to help lead “communion by extension”. The first of these training sessions will happen on Sunday 11th after morning worship. There will be another session for people who can’t make this time the following mid-week at St Peter’s Newlyn.
Worship Leader session
There will be meeting of cluster worship leaders at St Mary’s church on Tuesday 13th February 2 to 4pm.
Keeping in touch with the Penlee Cluster.
If you are fairly new to churches or events organised by the Penlee Cluster churches then you might want to fill in this form which can be found on the Penlee Cluster website (or in paper form in our church buildings)
Then you will get the blog and weekly newsletter emailed to your inbox each week alongside other exciting upcoming events. On this form you can also opt to go onto the electoral roll of the churches…important in having your say, being consulted and able to vote at the annual meetings and other consultations that will happen this year.
Weekly Blog/ newsletter and website
As we move forward now to the time that Sian and Andrew Yates leave Penlee Cluster a small group of people will be responsible for communications. information for the newsletter and blog in by Wednesday evenings. Please send information to : , or
CTIPA Breakfast Project.
Are you a good washer upper with excellent coffee making skills?
The Breakfast Project is looking for some additional volunteers.
Breakfast is served every weekday morning for the homeless in our community between 9.30 and 10.30am at The Breadline Centre on Bread Street in Penzance.

All the cooking is done by Ivor, the coordinator. We are looking for some more volunteer assistants whose role is to offer a welcome to those who attend with a warm drink and to look after washing up the dirty dishes!
On the premises at all times are two qualified St Petrocs Staff Members so there are no issues with safety or security. It is an opportunity to perform a very rewarding act of service as you provide our rough sleepers with a safe, warm comfortable place to be at the start of the day AND a meal which goes a long way to help with well-being.
If you would like to find out more – or would like to come along one morning as a trial to see what is involved please contact Ivor Abbott – 07429 676300 – or Andrew 01736 367863 07773088906
Churches Together Lent Lunches.
2024 Dates and Venues are as follows.
Saturday 17th February at YMCA + Quakers, Alverton Road
Saturday 24th February at St Pol de Leon Church, Paul.
Saturday 2nd March at High Street Methodist, TR18 2SU
Saturday 9th March at St Thomas’ Church, Heamoor.
Saturday 16th March at St Peter’s Church, Newlyn.
Saturday 23rd March at Madron Methodist – Madron + Wesley Rock.

Movement of Supporting Anglicans for an Inclusive Church.
How do we flourish in a church with barriers?
Thursday 29th February 2024
An Evening Conversation on Zoom 7pm-9pm
Keynote speaker: Rob Ponsford O.C.R, F.M.C
“An Introduction to Inclusive Church”
Social Justice course
Act on Poverty, a Christian Aid resource.
Together we’ll enable churches and individuals UK-wide to gain a deeper understanding of experiences of poverty, local and global.
We’ll be sharing stories of faith and activism that challenge the status quo. And we’ll be offering inspiration for actions big and small that we can all take to tackle poverty together.
This is a weekly study course. Act of Poverty lent course first meeting,
Wednesday, Feb 21st, 6pm at Andrew and Sian’s house, King’s Road, Penzance.
Reflections on journeys through film.
Thursday 22nd Feb 2pm at the Kings Arms, Paul.
The Great Escaper.

In the summer of 2014 — the 70th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings — octogenarian Bernie Jordan (Michael Caine) made global headlines. He’d staged a “great escape” from his care home to join fellow war veterans on a beach in Normandy, commemorating their fallen comrades.
It was a story that captured the imagination of the world — Bernie seemed to embody the defiant, “can-do” spirit of a generation that was fast disappearing. But of course, it wasn’t the whole story. It was the story we all tell ourselves to make war and old age bearable. The bitter-sweet script explores the reality with wit and a very big heart. Bernie’s adventure, spanning a mere 48 hours, also marked the culmination of his 60-year marriage to Irene (Glenda Jackson) — the story celebrates their love without sentimentality and with an eye to the lessons we can all learn from the Greatest Generation.
You can find out more about our Lent films here.
Lent book – Meeting God in Mark.
Each week we’ll be working our way through this book written by our former Archbishop. It’s a wonderful way to take a fresh look at Mark’s Gospel. The book costs £9 and can be ordered at the Edge of the World bookshop in Penzance or online. But you don’t need a book to take part.

“A fresh look at the message and meaning of Mark’s Gospel by one of the world’s greatest living theologians. Rowan Williams explores the essential meaning and purpose of St Marks Gospel for complete beginners as well as for those who’ve read the Gospel many times before and want to see it in a fresh light. Written at a highly accessible level and packed with illuminating spiritual insights, this book would make a perfect gift for anyone thinking about confirmation, while also appealing to people who may simply be curious about Jesus and the Gospels and want to learn more about his significance”.
St Mary’s Church – Thursdays at 11am
Feb 22nd, Feb 29th, March 7th, March 14th, March 21st.
Paul Church – Thursdays at 5.45pm
Feb 22nd, Feb 29th, March 7th, March 14th, March 21st.
Tree planting.

On our way to creating a community orchard, tree planting will take place in the cholera field at Paul on Feb 21st at 1.30pm. Looks like Mousehole school will be leading the way.
All are most welcome.